DOOR im Radio
DOOR im Radio
In HR2-Kulturradio, bei RAdAR (RadioDarmstadt) und ROCKRADIO.DE wurde die CD vorgestellt. Hier geht es zum Beitrag von Silvia Adler in der Sendung "Musikland Hessen" und zum PODCAST von RAdAR und ROCKRADIO.
Auch Radio FFH hat über uns berichtet und wir waren bei Radio Welle West Wetterau.
DOOR on the radio
The CD was presented on HR2 Kulturradio, RAdAR (RadioDarmstadt) and ROCKRADIO.DE. Click here for Silvia Adler's contribution to the show "Musikland Hessen" and for the PODCAST byRadarandROCK RADIO.
New CD has been released by ORGANO PHON!
The D.O.O.R. project has been on the road with different casts since 2007. Starting from the home church of the founder, Pastor Gerhard Schnitzspahn, it made its way beyond the borders of Darmstadt. Of course, the church organ and the electric guitar are always there. The wind section was added in 2015 and the repertoire grew steadily.
After the press, radio and television had long since become aware of this unique combination, it was time to produce a CD. After the copyrights could be clarified, it was released under the ORGANO PHON label.
DOOR project is fundraising project
Seit der Gründung ist das D.O.O.R.- Projekt ein Fundraising-Projekt der Ev. Johannesgemeinde Darmstadt. Die ehrenamtlich im Projekt engagierten Musiker konzertieren deutschlandweit in interessierten Kirchengemeinden, um damit die Kirchenmusik der Gemeinde zu fördern vornehmlich auch, um die Stelle des Kirchenmusikers zu finanzieren. Inzwischen gibt es die Möglichkeit
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DOOR project on TV
im hr atmomintower on 12/28/2015
DOOR project on TV
at EKHN TV or indeon magazine on 24.2.2016
DOOR project on TV
in the ZDF television service on April 30, 2017
DOOR project on TV
Trailer for the ZDF television service on April 30, 2017
Bombastic end of the 2019 concert series
Hessian/Lower Saxony General
They sweep the audience away
"Deep Organ on Rock" brought the 70s back to life
(On the concert review by Margitta Hild)
Goettingen daily newspaper
This is how D.O.O.R rocks. the church in Sweden
With the D.O.O.R. project, a rocking pastor and his musical disciples brought the sound of the 1960s and 70s to St. Mark's Church in Scheden - and turned the church into a disco. (On the concert review by Jörg Linnhoff)
Overwhelming press review inECHO
to the concert in Groß-Gerau
Successful end of year 2018 - new projects 2019
The year 2018 ended with concerts in Birkenau and Darmstadt and a second tour to northern Hesse. The D.O.O.R. project played in Wanfried and Witzenhausen in well-attended places of worship.
After four years, bassist Dr. Alfred König and trombonist Stefan Buchberger took over the project and Daniel Massoth joined as the man for the low string tones. He is supported by Christian Schmale, who was already involved in the project in 2015.
In 2019, things will first go west. Two churches in Wiesbaden will be venues for organ and rock music. In autumn we will go north again to Lower Saxony. The year-end concert is planned in Scheden.
ZDF television service "Beyond Eden"
mit Pfarrer Dr. Gerhard Schnitzspahn
Wenn Bass-Riffs mit Orgelakkorden verschmelzen, ist in der Darmstädter Johanneskirche wieder Zeit für `Deep Organ on Rock´. So heißt das Musikprojekt, in dem eine Rockband und die Kirchenorgel gemeinsam bekannte Rock- und Popklassiker vortragen.
Im Fernsehgottesdienst erzählt ihre Musik vom Paradies, aus dem der Mensch zwar vertrieben wurde, zu dem es aber einen Weg zurück gibt.
Unter den Mitwirkenden ist auch Samuel Koch, einer der Reformationsbotschafter des Jubiläumsjahres 2017 und Mitglied dieser Kirchengemeinde. Die Musik gestalten Bernhardt Brand-Hofmeister (Orgel), Dr. Alfred König, (E-Bass), Manfred Horschler, (Saxofon, Gesang), Manfred Gerber, (Saxofon, Gitarre), Stefan Distler, (Percussion, Schlagzeug), Mirjam Thöne, (Gesang) und Pfarrer Dr. Gerhard Schnitzspahn ( E-Gitarre).
Benefizkonzert in der Stiftskirche
The well-attended Diakoniekirche at the Elisabethenstift in Darmstadt experienced an extraordinary concert event on Palm Sunday. The outgoing pastor Rev. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Steubing invited again to support the Elisabethenhospice with this event. The musicians of the D.O.O.R. project, who made guest appearances in the collegiate church in 2015, played their extended program and delighted the audience. Some guests felt "icy cold down their spines" when they"Bohemian Rhapsody" fromqueen or "child in time" fromDeep Purple sounded.
And for a good cause, 724€ could be collected, which will benefit the work of the Elisabethenhospice.
DOOR leaves EKHN territory
For the first time, the D.O.O.R. - Project leave the borders of the Evangelical Church of Hesse and Nassau (EKHN) and give a guest performance in the sister church of Kurhesen-Waldeck (EKKW).
The town parish in Wanfried has invited to it. A test for the "holy rockers".